Indonesia Job

Thursday, October 20, 2011

IT Consultant Terbesar Di Indonesia PT LinkIT 360 Ajak Bergabung

Author: PT LinkIT 360 | Posting By: Ucup_Mardhiono.

Intelektualitas manusia tercermin dari jenis pekerjaan yang di jalankannya, asalkan tetap pada jalan halal. Memang segala jenis pekerjaan apa pun asalkan halal itu yang di butuhkan oleh tiap manusia. Akan tetapi, tahukah kamu pendapatan besar bisa kamu dapatkan bila bekerja di bidang IT? Oleh karena itu, di sini akan di kenalkan nama perusahaan PT LinkIT 360. Sesungguhnya memang PT LinkIT 360 merupakan perusahaan terbesar di Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang IT Konsultan terbesar dan semakin sukses berkembang sangat pesat di Indonesia. 

Perusahaan IT konsultan yaitu PT LinkIT 360 yang sedang berkembang sangat pesat dalam pengembangan, pembuatan website, dan games aplikasi ini sungguh sangat memiliki potensial untuk terus semakin sukses berkembang sangat pesat. Website yang di bawah naungan PT LinkIT 360 yaitu: Bejubel(dot)(com) <= kamu bisa cek dengan klik Jual Handphone, SMSBlast360(dot)(com) <= kamu bisa cek websitenya dengan klik SMS Masking, dan lainnya.

PT LinkIT 360 Mengundang kamu untuk dapat bekerja meraih kesuksesan bersama - sama, sebagai:

1. PHP Programmer,

2. IT System Admin Linux,

3. Monitoring,

4. UAT,

5. IT Help Desk,

6. Mobile Programmer (Harus Yang Sudah Senior).

Kriteria? Saya rasa kalau memang kamu sesuai bidang yang telah di sebutkan di atas, maka sudah dapat di pastikan kamu akan membutuhkan apa saja mengerjakan bidang - bidang tersebut. Karena, PT LinkIT 360 membutuhkan orang yang sudah profesional sesuai dalam bidangnya dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan juga target.

Kamu ragu? Atau malah timbul perasaan cemas bahwa ini hanyalah iklan untuk branding nama perusahaan? Sebelumnya mohon maaf ya, ini hanyalah blog yang berfungsi sebagai mediasi penyebar Informasi Terbaru mengenai Lowongan Kerja yang berguna membantu kamu mempermudah dapatkan Pekerjaan. 

Berminat untuk kamu bergabung dan maju bersama - sama raih kesuksesan bersama PT LinkIT 360? Kalau memang kamu sungguh - sungguh berminat, silahkan kirimkan CV lengkap dan photo terbaru kamu 3x4 ke email: / /

(Recruitment Officer Anida Noviyanti)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Duka Cita Terdalam Untuk Steve Jobs

Author: Ucup_Mardhiono

Tiada rasa bangga ketika berita duka ini di tuliskan dalam blog ini, malah merupakan suatu hal yang sangat menyedihkan untuk di sebarkan. Dalam hitungan menit begitu positif benarnya kabar duka cita ini, langsung masyarakat dunia mengucapkan rasa duka cita terdalam mengenai Steve Jobs Telah Meninggal Dengan Damai. Memang bukanlah hal yang sangat menyenangkan untuk mengabarkan berita duka cita. Apalagi untuk sosok yang merupakan bagi saya bahwa sangat keren dalam menciptakan gadget selalu termutakhir teknologi nya yang pasti menjadi incaran dalam pasar Jual Handphone, yaitu Steve Jobs. Seluruh dunia merasakan bagai di hantam badai luar biasa ketika mendapatkan kabar bahwa Steve Jobs Telah Meninggal Dunia Dengan Damai.  

Steve Jobs Meninggal Dunia Dengan Damai

Kerabat terdekat dari Steve Jobs menyatakan bahwa telah meninggal pada hari Kamis dini hari, 6 Oktober 2011 setelah berjuang selama delapan tahun mengatasi kanker pankreas yang di deritanya. "Steve Jobs telah meninggal dengan damai hari ini di tengah anggota keluarganya," kata - kata tersebut di ungkapkan oleh pihak kerabat terdekatnya. Yang sekejap dalam hitungan menit langsung saja mengalir sangat deras ucapan belasungkawa dari masyarakat dunia. 

Salah satunya yaitu Presiden United States of America turut mengucapkankan rasa kehilangan belasungkawa terdalam melalui akun Twitternya: @BarackObama. “Semoga damai Steve Jobs. Dari kami semua di #Obama2012, terima kasih atas kerja Anda yang membuat segalanya mungkin saban hari, termasuk kepunyaan kami.” Obama walau sudah mengucapkan rasa belasungkawa melalui account Twitternya, tapi tetap membuat pernyataan resminya. Obama bersama Michele menyampaikan secara langsung pernyataan resminya buat keluarga Steve Jobs. "Steve Jobs adalah salah satu inovator terbesar Amerika Serikat." 

Steve Jobs Meninggal

Marck Zuckerberg sang pemilik jejaring sosial raksasa yaitu Facebook pun turut mengucapkan rasa duka mendalamnya melalui dinding akun Facebook pribadinya. “Steve, terima kasih telah menjadi mentor dan teman. Terima kasih telah memperlihatkan bahwa apa yang Anda bangun bisa mengubah dunia. Saya akan merindukan Anda.”

Bahkan sampai pesaing bebuyutan Steve Jobs juga turut menyampaikan rasa duka cita nya, Bill Gates, yang merupakan pendiri sekaligus bos Microsoft, “Steve dan saya bertemu pertama kali hampir 30 tahun lalu, menjadi rekan kerja, pesaing, dan teman selama hampir setengah perjalanan hidup kami.”
Cobalah kamu buka atau, maka perhatikanlah di bawahnya kolom search terdapat tulisan Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011 dan pada tulisan nama Steve Jobs nya terdapat backlink url dofollow ke website Mungkin saja hal tersebut merupakan penghormatan tertinggi dari Sergey Brin dan para pendiri Google lainnya atas duka cita meninggalnya Steve Jobs. Sergey Brin mengungkapkan rasa duka cita terdalamnya dengan berkata, “Steve, semangatmu buat kecemerlangan di rasakan oleh siapa saja yang pernah menggunakan produk - produk Apple (termasuk Macbook yang sedang saya pakai untuk mengetik saat ini).”

Jangankan para pendiri perusahaan raksasa yang sangat merasakan kehilangan atas meninggalnya Steve Jobs, para artis lokal dan luar negeri juga berduka cita, dan sampai para anak SMA di Indonesia juga merasakan kepergian sang maestro dalam dunia gadget seperti yang di ucapkan oleh account Twitter @ZamanSMA.

* Segera kamu cepat - cepat buka layanan SMS Masking, sebarkanlah Informasi Terbaru ini dengan mengklik: SMS Masking. Selain itu, SMS Masking juga berguna untuk kamu bisa berpromosi Jual Handphone ataupun mungkin saja Busana Wanita.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Akankah Menjadi Kenyataan Pernikahan Kim Kardashian dan Kris Humphries Lebih Mewah Dari Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton?

Author: Ucup_Mardhiono

Sudah tentunya kamu banyak yang tahu dengan seorang aktris yang namanya meroket sangat terkenal setelah tampil dalam Reality Show Keeping Up with The Kardashians (2007-2010), Kim Kardashian telah mengumumkan pertunangannya dengan pemain basket Kris Humphries pada bulan Mei 2011.

Mengutip femalefirst, Senin (6/6), seorang sumber terdekat Kim mengatakan, "Pernikahan akan terjadi dalam waktu 6-8 minggu. Kim dan Kris melakukan hal yang amat sangat cepat ini dan sedang cepat di lacak." Teman Kim Kardashian yang lainnya juga mengungkapkan, bahwa Kim sangat berharap pernikahannya dapat melampaui dari pengantin Inggris Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton yang menikah di Westminster Abbey, London, Inggris pada April 2011. 

Salah seorang sahabatnya menambahkan, "Kim  telah merencanakan Pernikahan Abad Ini. Dia tidak melihat mengapa pernikahan kerajaan harus mendapat perhatian lebih darinya. Kim justru melihat dirinya sebagai seorang selebriti lebih besar dari Kate Middleton."

Sesungguhnya akan seperti apakah pernikahannya Kim Kardashian dan Kris Humphries? Akankah bakal melebihi kemewahan dan kehebohannya di bandingkan pernikahan Kate Middleton dan Pangeran William? Mau semewah ataupun seheboh apa pun, yang pasti semoga saja pernikahan Kim dan Kris dapat berjalan lancar dan pernikahan mereka berdua abadi hingga kematian memisahkan.
* Jikalau kamu memiliki keinginan untuk pasang iklan gratis untuk dagangan kamu, di sini nih pusatnya: Toko Online.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

5 Tips on Web Site Building and Web Stats

By Devin Jopp, SCORE COO

The most basic Web site services are free services. These services are easy to use, but limited in the amount of space and bandwidth. They typically also place advertisements on your site to offset their cost.

The next step up are services that charge a monthly fee. In exchange, you get a greater amount of space, bandwidth and no advertisements. All of the domain registrars like Network Solutions and Go Daddy offer Web development solutions.

The next option, building your own Web site, provides the most flexibility. You can either build your own or hire a consultant to do it for you. Once you have selected your domain registrar and hosting company (ISP), you can begin programming your new Web site. Tools like Microsoft Front Page or Macromedia Dreamweaver provide a familiar Windows front-end that automatically generates html code and allows you to click and drag items in order to create your Web site. Or, you can hire a Web design firm to do this for you.

 Get bids for Web site development at Simply post your requirements and wait for the bids to come in, or get estimates from firms in your city.

Analyze your Web traffic and track statistics. Google Analytics offers a free web analytic solution. StatCounter is a free package you access by logging in and copying code into your Web site. You can also buy an off-the-shelf package like Webtrends that is installed on the server and tracks critical stats like the number of visitors, highest ranked pages, etc. Many of the site builder tools mentioned earlier also provide options for tracking Web stats.

Brought to you by SCORE, America's small business mentors, at

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5 Tips for Taking Your Small Business Online

  1. Your product line should be able to be delivered economically and conveniently through the mail or over the Internet.
  2. The Web allows you to market to customers outside your geographical location. Your product should appeal to people nation-or-continent-wide.
  3. Compare new “technology” costs to current bricks and mortar costs, e.g.: rent, labor, inventory and printing costs.
  4. Realize that the World Wide Web levels the playing ground—you can look like a big company with a great Web site. 
  5. Draw visitors to your site cheaply. Establish and grow alliances that will hotlink to your site for free.

Brought to you by SCORE, America's small business mentors, at

Get more than 8000 Job Vacancy and career tips in Jobs DB Indonesia

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to Build Strategic International Relationships

by John Astor

Just learning how to shake hands in career world doesn’t make you culturally aware. A few learned copy-cat mannerisms and a couple opening lines will not put the global executive into the good graces of their regional leaders. It used to be fine, considering the small amount of time that leaders spent abroad. But more and more, as we see top-level local management strategies that have transparent relationships with each other for alignment and success, building relationships that are strong and solid are absolutely essential in today’s highly competitive marketplace.

In Japan, during the 1980’s boom years, foreigners were falling over each other to grab some of the success that Japanese businesses had created. Many managers learned a little bit of the language, how to eat soup, etc., but they missed a great opportunity to build real bonds. Unfortunately, those bonds could have also helped the Japanese businesses during the ‘90’s.

Today, we are in the midst of a series of dynamics such as, rising new economies, immediate access to customers and speed decision making, so creating and nurturing long lasting connections is a must. Maya Hu-Chan of the Global Leadership Development Center so correctly states, ‘In my work with multinational corporations, my global clients have often pointed out that building partnerships is one of the most important competencies for global leaders of the future’.

To develop powerful partnerships and prevent problematic situations, integrate these five pieces of advice.
  • Have a real interest in other cultures and learn about them through food, the arts and music, literature and the areas that give uniqueness to their place the human experience.
  • Build partnerships wherever you go with ease. You never force a friendship. You develop it. Become an open access point of assistance to your host reports, superiors and especially those horizontally. Encourage others to do the same.
  • Listen, Listen, Listen! This may be one of the great challenges for human beings, but it is an essential skill for trust. Don’t just listen with your ears, but apprehend the individual with all of your faculties. Go beyond their special behaviors and reach for what they are trying to communicate.
  • Never be patronizing. This may be very difficult for some cultures that have been taught they are the best. Be careful not to appear paternal or on a higher level than other people. Also pay close attention to how you phrase comments about their culture. This is also true for spouses of expatriates.
  • Get out of your shell. The higher you go up in an organization, the more insulated you become. Mingle with different people with different interests and you will be well prepared to meet the exciting challenges of interacting with all types of personalities from all over the world.

By putting these five points into action will give you a basis for working in all environments and with all cultures. Of course, each culture has unique aspects that give them their own perspectives on business and life, and we are all unique individuals with unique behaviors, but having a real sense of how we can make deeper connections profoundly helps us move forward together.
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Management Trainee Dealer Development ( MT DD )

*Untuk informasi kerja yang lebih detail  ikuti link-link yang tersedia  CARI KERJA

ARISTA GROUP merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penjualan otomotif baik mobil dan motor. Saat ini perusahaan merupakan salah satu group dealer motor Yamaha terbesar yang mempunyai ± 35 cabang yang tersebar di berbagai kota besar. Selain itu, perusahaan juga mempunyai 5 dealer resmi mobil Honda yang tersebar di beberapa kota besar.
Saat ini perusahaan sedang berkembang pesat dan membutuhkan para profesional berkualitas yang mempunyai motivasi tinggi untuk bergabung bersama Perusahaan untuk menjawab tantangan sebagai berikut :

Management Trainee Dealer Development ( MT DD )

Persyaratan :
  • Pria usia maksimal 26 tahun
  • Pendidikan S1 Teknik Sipil dengan IPK minimal 2.75
  • Fresh Graduate atau yang berpengalaman lebih diutamakan
  • Dapat mengoperasikan komputer Excel dan Word
  • Memiliki komitment dan motivasi kerja yang tinggi
  • Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, sanggup bekerja keras, teliti dan bertanggung jawab
  • Jujur dan dapat bekerja secara team
Kompensasi dan Benefit :
  • Status Karyawan Tetap
  • Gaji Tetap
  • Jamsostek
  • Asuransi Kesehatan

Kirimkan Surat Lamaran, Daftar Riwayat Hidup, Copy KTP, dan Pas Photo Terbaru dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan di pojok kiri atas ke :

Yamaha Arista Kalimalang
Jl Raya Kalimalang No.19 Duren Sawit
Jakarta Timur 13440
Atau Kirimkan Lamaran Anda ke:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

US Teenager Pleads not Guilty to Christmas 'Bomb Plot' !!!



Job Indonesia - Mohammed Osman Mohamud, 19, was caught in an FBI sting operation on Friday, allegedly to try blowing up what was a fake bomb at the event in Portland. - Job Vacancy

Lowongan Kerja - If convicted, he faces life in prison. He remains in custody and is expected to be tried in February. Mr Mohamud's lawyers say he may have been led by government agents into committing a crime. The bomb Mr Mohamud is alleged to have tried to detonate was a fake supplied by agents in a sting operation.
"The information released by the government raises significant concerns [about the] government manufacturing crime - or entrapment," said lawyer Stephen Sady.
"Government agents suggested key actions to this teenager, spent thousands of dollars on him, specified components, drove Mr Mohamud around, and were instrumental in setting up Friday's events."
Map of Oregon, US
Still the threat was very real, said US Attorney General Eric Holder.
"But for his interaction with the FBI, he might have come in contact with somebody who, in fact, would have made his plans tragically real."
E-mail exchange According to court documents, an FBI undercover agent contacted Mr Mohamud, a naturalised US citizen, in June, pretending to be an associate of a contact in Pakistan he had exchanged e-mails with last year.
It is claimed that when an undercover agent made contact with the young man, he talked of bombing the Christmas tree ceremony.
Mr Mohamud, who lives in the town of Corvallis, drove a van to the ceremony and was arrested at around 1740 local time on Friday (0040 GMT Saturday), before the tree lighting occurred.

Indonesia Job - Public Relation Prestige Indonesia

Indonesia Job - Public Relation
  • Male/Female, max. 27 years old - Job Vacancy
  • Bachelor Degree in Public relation or communication from reputable university - Job Indonesia
  • Min 1 year  Experience as public relation and Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
  • Good in Communication
  • Fluent in english both oral and writen
  • Good looking and good personality

We offer a competitive salary and benefits package and the professional advantages of a dynamic environment that supports your development and recognizes your achievements.


Job Vacancy Pertambangan - Adaro Group


Job Indonesia - A leading group of mining and energy company is looking for: 

:: Professional Development Program Superintendent (Code: PDPS)

Job Vacancy - Responsibilities :
  • Oversee Professional Development Program management including support the curriculum development in technical competency development
  • Ensuring all technical development programs are developed and implemented as scheduled (Graduate Development Program, Apprentice Program, Internship Program)
  • Reviews all professional development program and continue to improve
  • Work with Admin Support Superintendent to develop document & knowledge management
Lowongan Kerja - Requirements :
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Engineering (Mining/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Geology, Industrial)
  • Minimum 2 years in engineering work and/ or in supervisory role (mining industry is an advantage) 
  • Minimum 2 years experience in training and development area would be a plus
  • Curriculum development particularly on technical competency (if any)
  • Critical to be able to communicate well with all parties
  • Able to supervise a team of program coordinators
  • Able to recommend the right training and how to schedule
  • Knows how a database system works
  • Able to manage multiple projects at once
  • Able to deliver training
  • Able to develop technical competency training curriculum is a plus

Interested candidates are required to send the application letter together with CV and recent photograph, not later than 2 (two) weeks to:

Lowongan Kerja Bank International Indonesia - Home Loan Sales Officer

Home Loan Sales Officer (Kode: HLSO)

Job Indonesia - Uraian Pekerjaan :

  • Melaksanakan program penjualan untuk memastikan tercapainya target volume kredit yang ditetapkan sesuai sub-area tanggung jawabnya. - Job Vacancy 
  • Melaksanakan program penjualan untuk memastikan tercapainya target jumlah debitur yang ditetapkan sesuai sub-area tanggung jawabnya
  • Menjalin dan membina hubungan yang baik dengan developer, agen properti dan channel bisnis lainnya.

Lowongan Kerja - Kualifikasi :
  • Pendidikan minimal S1
  • Pria / wanita
  • Memiliki pengalaman yang sama (home loan sales officer) minimal 1 tahun
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik

How to Apply

Kandidat yang berminat dapat mengirimkan CV beserta photo terbaru paling lambat 29 Desember 2010 to:

Job Indonesia - WareHouse Administration Nissan Motor Indonesia, PT

Job Indonesia - Job specification:

Position           : Warehouse Administration - Lowongan Kerja
Department     : Spare Part -  Job Vacancy
Working Location: Spare Part Center (Purwakarta)

Responsibilites    :

  • To make warehouse report
  • To maintain storage location
  • To maintain data base of warehouse
  • To handle warehouse administration (Filling and Recording)

  • Male, preferably single, min 20 years old
  • Minimum Diploma Degree from reputable university.
  • Has 1 year experience in related fields would be an advantage. Fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
  • Fluent in English is a must (Oral and Written).
  • Familiar with AS 400.
  • Able to operate computer; Ms. Office; especially Ms. Excel, Ms. Word, MS Power Point.
  • Having good accuracy, can work under pressure and firmed schedule, discipline and initiative.
  • Willing to work at Purwakarta - Cikampek

Please submit your complete application letter
Before December 12th, 2010 to:

Job Indonesia - Training Staff Nissan Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja - Job specification:
Position: Training Staff
Department: Nissan College – Competency Training
Working Location: NTC TB Simatupang (Jakarta)

Job Indonesia - Responsibilites:

  • Learn all of company business process and needs 
  • Create training module to meet the needs
  • Deliver training to develop our knowledge thirst employees
  • Handle training administration

  • Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial, Electrical Architecture, and Mechanical Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00.
  • Preferably fresh graduate or max. 1 year of experience.
  • Having many organizational experiences.
  • Fluent in English is a must (Oral and Written).
  • Having interest in automotive and able to drive.
  • Hard and also smart worker, customer oriented, ready to take challenge.
  • Having a good communication skill, initiatives, fast learner and a good team player

Please submit your complete application letter
Before December 19th, 2010 to:
Job Vacancy

Friday, November 19, 2010

GE Buys 25,000 Electric Cars To Kick-Start Market !!!


Lowongan Kerja - It hopes that its purchase of 25,000 electric vehicles will drive the development of a network of charging stations, and other related products, which it produces.

Its first order is for 12,000 Chevrolet Volts, which will start to roll off GM's production lines this month.

GE will use them as company cars and lease them to corporate customers.

It intends to buy the 25,000 cars by 2015. It will use some of them in its own fleet.
The rest will go into its Capital Fleet Services business, which leases cars to corporate customers.

GM said it wanted to "lead wide-scale electric adoption and generate growth for its businesses".

GE's Jeff Immelt said he hope the purchase would "move electric vehicles from anticipation to action".

It predicts that the nascent electric vehicle market could be worth $500m (£310m; 366m euros) in revenue to GM over the next three years.

General Motors Getting Ready For Profitable Future


Job Indonesia - A year-and-a-half after the US automotive giant General Motors (GM) filled for bankruptcy protection, the Cadillac factory in Lansing, Michigan, is still churning out cars. - Job Vacancy

The Grand River Assembly, which lies about 90 miles west of Detroit, is gearing up production, hiring hundreds of new workers and getting ready to start producing a Cadillac that will be both smaller and much less thirsty than those it used to make.

Lowongan Kerja - The model is a powerful symbol of a new beginning for the bruised carmaker after last year's $50bn - £31bn at current exchange rates - bail-out by the US taxpayer.

But symbolism will not do for GM's new chief executive Dan Akerson, a former telecoms executive and naval officer known for his keen, at times even combative, focus on figures.

They are beginning to look impressive. GM made $2bn net profits during the July to September quarter, a dramatic turnaround from a near-$1bn loss during the same period a year earlier.

"The results of the third quarter clearly point to the amount of progress that GM has made," says Mr Akerson, who also has a background in private equity investment.

With sales remaining strong during the last three months of the year, GM expects to make a profit for the year as a whole.

"Although we're a different company, it's worth noting that last time GM reported a profitable year was 1994," Mr Akerson says.

Making better cars
Dan Akerson, chief executive, General Motors Mr Akerson is known as a combative executive who focuses closely on financial figures
With Mr Akerson at the helm, GM is getting ready for the second leg of a long and painful journey.

The first, which was run by his predecessors Fritz Henderson and Ed Whitacre, was all about pushing through a harsh restructuring, all under the watchful eye of a board of directors representing the US government's 61% stake in the group.
The second phase of GM's revival is about to start as the government and its co-owners - the Canadian government and the union - get ready to pass majority control of the company back to private investors.

And it is clear that this phase will have to be product-led.

In recent years, the quality of many of the models made by GM has fallen short of the quality products delivered by many of its rivals, and so the company reputation has suffered a great deal.

Mr Akerson is eager to fix that.

He knows well that building quality cars can be costly, so this year GM has spent close to $5bn on capital expenditure.

Next year, and in the years ahead, Mr Akerson is expected to spend even more - and he is eager to pass on the message.

"We've just started doing a better job in marketing our brands to consumers," he says.

International challenge
But making better cars will not be enough without further changes to GM's corporate culture, as well as a bolstering of morale in a company that has seen tens of thousands of jobs go in a matter of months.
Improved financial risk management is also vital, according to Mr Akerson, who has been pushing for closer monitoring of what profit margins different units within the firm deliver, as well as for a more deliberate approach to currency risk.
And of course, Mr Akerson says, "we continue to be vigilant in reducing cost".
But the biggest challenge will be to rebuild relations with both customers and government officials, workers and dealers, across the pond.
This is particularly important in Germany, the largest car market in Europe, where deep wounds were inflicted last year during lengthy talks with both the unions and the government.
Mr Akerson is fully aware of what needs to be done. "We know we have much work to do. We still have to fix Europe," he says.
Private investors, preparing to buy GM shares, will hope he also knows how to do it.